About what's in my bag!

«Study - Train - Eat - Sleep - Repeat»

Well that was my (rather involuntary) motto of the last weeks.. My days were - and still are - totally stressing, full, tiring... and just exhausting. But yeah, I guess that's what you get when you try to pair college and ice-skating.
Anyways, I'm back! Once again.
Of course I'm really sorry for my absence, so don't worry, I'm still alive and I'm fine.

At this point I wish I could tell you that a LOT happened in the time I didn't blog anymore.. but well, truth is - all that really happened is that now - it is officially winter. Time for hibernation!

About a trip to Italy.

Hey my beautiful readers! This was actually supposed to be a really quick post about my trip to Italy and what I bought there, but it seems like I've got a lot of pictures haha..
Anyways, like I mentioned in my last post (here) I've been to Italy for a few days! We stayed at our relatives's house, but unfortunately, the weather was really bad.. So instead of shopping in the city of Milano, we went to a lovely shopping-mall instead.

About fall clothes.

Hey my beautiful readers! On the weekend I finally went shopping for autumn!
Most of the clothes I bought are from Zara - okay, basically all clothes I bought are from Zara.

Well this mostly has three reasons:
  • I'm a poor student who can't afford any expensive brands
    (Not that Zara is that inexpensive by the way - not at all.)
  • Where I live, there doesn't exist any Forever21 or anything. Our shops (which I actually can afford) are basically restricted to Tally Weijl, Zebra, H&M, Only, Zara, and. that's. it.
  • I don't like our Tally Weijl and Zebra and Only that much to be honest.
  • Pants from H&M don't fit me most of the time. 
So how you might have recognized - it's quite hard to shop for me here! Haha - yes of course I'm over exaggerating a little bit, but in common I don't really like shopping in Switzerland. Because of the shops, yes, and also because here, everything is unbelievable (& unreasonable) expensive.

Well I will survive in the end. And note that I'm only talking about the place where I actually live.

About a touch of blue.

I'M BACK! Don't know how many weeks passed since my last post.. but definitely too many. 
I've never been so busy in my life. I didn't have any spare minute, not even on the week-ends! 
But it feels great to blog again... And guess what? This is my last week of school before autumn break! 
You know what that means, right? I HAVE LOTS OF FREE TIME! 
Soo please please excuse me for my big absence, I'm going to bomb you with posts and comments now!

Now, really important: 
If you have Instagram, please follow my brand-new account @nomoneyforhighfashion. I follow everyone back!

About dungarees and its history.

This summer was or is all about dungarees. Since Switzerland isn't the most fashionable place on earth, or at least it's not as fashionable where I live, I searched long time for my perfect jeans dungarees.
But I finally found them! Although not in Switzerland - in Italy.

When I first wore them to school on Monday, right when school started again, everybody in my class looked at me like 'what the hell is she wearing'.  Like I already mentioned the place where I live is not fashionable in the original sense, you're like over-dressed with a pair of dungarees here, but honestly, I don't give a damn.

But - don't missunderstand me! There actually are people who dress very fashionable here too, just that everyone other doesn't understand that it is fashion then. Sounds a bit complicated maybe, to sum up I can say that if you don't want that people talk about you where I live, you better dress lovely but also really simple.

About summer days 2013.

I'm not a fan of studying during summer break, but this year I really had to learn something:

You don't always get what you want.

Well, to be honest, four weeks ago, right after I returned from my amazing trip to Paris, I didn't expect my holidays to turn out like this.

I had booked a beautiful hotel in the Toscana, and I had already made lots and lots of awesome plans with my friends.
But well, destiny doesn't always play by your rules, and so it happened that one day before my flight, a really close relative of mine fell into a deep coma. As you know I'm Italian, but I currently live in Zurich (Switzerland), so we had to cancel the flight and the hotel to drive to our relatives in Italy and support them. 
What followed were one or two (I don't really remember anymore) weeks spent at the hospital. There actually was only a little hope that she might wake up, but eventually, she didn't wake up anymore. She left us.

I'm actually feeling a bit weird to share these personal things on this blog, and I might delete this post in the future, but I wanted to let you know why I didn't blog for so long. Fact is - I haven't had any internet. Sorry.

About a quick journey through Paris. Part III.


«Whoever does not visit Paris regularly will never really be elegant.»
-Honoré de Balzac

Bonjour my lovely readers! Today I will take you on a really quick trip through my Paris suitcase, the things I bought there and what I wore!

If you haven't yet seen my other two posts about the trip, click here for the first Post about Paris, or here for the second post!

Well, first of all I wanted to show you what I bought last year (!) in Paris. (Mainly from Abercrombie & Fitch, Zara, Levi's and the bag on the picture below is from Bershka).

A quick journey through Paris. Part ll.

«Though I often looked for one, I finally had to admit that there could be no cure for Paris.» 

- from: The Paris Wife

So finally I managed to prepare the second post about my quick trip to Paris!

In this first post here I already showed you my aunt's house on the Champs Elysées, the Opéra, lunch at Printemps, the Eiffel Tower by day, Notre-Dame and Pont des Arts.
Take a look at this post if you haven't yet!

So the first destination I'd like to show you today is:

A quick journey through Paris. Part I.

«Paris is always a good idea.» 
- Audrey Hepburn 

Okay. I'm literally, deeply, madly, crazy, hopeless in love with Paris.
If you've read the "Lory's Story' page"  on my blog (well, I don't think you did) you might know that my aunt lives there directly on the Champs Elysées, and I visit her once in a year. 

Paris is the biggest inspiration I've ever seen in my life. I love the buildings, the people, the mentality, the chicness, the fashion.. just everything. Except the food and the weather of course. The food is awful. 
When I first visited Paris a few years ago, the love to fashion as a real art grew inside of me. 
I don't really have the words to describe what this city does to me, but it's the reason I'm obsessed with fashion and books about fashion.
So if my parents ever complain about me spending a fortune for books about the story of fashion.. well.. blame my aunt with her apartment on the Champs Elysées.

Anyways, I went there several times now, but I'm amazed by this city every. single. time.

So I'd like to show you my few days in Paris with this (and other one or two posts which will come later).  The weather was actually amazing (30 degrees every day, it was unbelievable hot), which was a real surprise because it rained everytime I went to Paris except this time.

About a wedding in Milano!

This week I went to Milano to attend my cousin's wedding! He and his wife know each other for 11 years now, and they actually met in Great Britain in their teenage years.. So they decided to make a wedding inspired by the awesome country where their love started.
They married on Saturday the 6th July, it was far over 30 degrees, and everybody sweated as hell! Nevertheless it was an amazing and unforgettable day!

Very un-traditional for Italy, they didn't marry in a church, but outdoor..

About a crop-top, and my long-awaited-freedom.

Oh I can already smell the summer holidays! Freedom! I can't even believe it, IT. IS. ALL. OVER! 
Today I had my last chemistry test and that's it for this school year, and I'm so overwhelmed, so happy I could cry! I didn't even know what to do with my spare time this evening! Okay well maybe I did. I searched for something to wear for my boyfriend's diploma celebration on Thursday, which was more difficult than expected! 

Anyways, the conclusion of this post will definitely be: I need to go shopping! 

The color of success!

(Mint-) Green - the color of success, nature, life and luck! At least it's what Google says.
But one thing I know for sure: Because of its femininity and softness it's the perfect color for summer and spring!
This is absolutely my favorite color right now and I'm so happy I found some mint-green pants in Como (Italy) last week! 

And at this point I wanted to add the standart "Sorry for not posting that much, I was too busy with studying, school exaggerates it at the moment!" I'm glad the stress is more or less over for this week so that I can show you some (improvised and very bad - sorry for that) pictures of one of my mint-green outfits! 

Liebster Award! Spread love! :)

So it is Wednesday evening, I'm freakin' tired and I'm looking forward to having a day off tomorrow! 
The weather here is miserable. I mean, it's a shame. It's almost June and everybody is walking around in boots and bomber jackets... it makes me sick. My veins need the sun.

Anyways, Danica just rised my mood, as she nominated me for a Liebster Award. Thanks so much Danica!

So since I'm feeling very social tonight, I thought I'd actually post about this. It's my second "award" I got, and although it is not a "real" one, it makes me happy to see that there are people who really notice and read me and my blog. It's an amazing feeling to be honest because I've only had this blog for a few weeks, and that's why I want to make 11 other people smile by nominating them in this post :) 
(I wish I could nominate you all!)

But first, I have to answer 11 questions asked by Danica. So here we go!

About confessions and cropped shorts

Dear readers, I'm glad I'm still alive. I can't move anymore, I can't hear a thing, my voice flew away, my body hurts, I'm terribly tired. And I'm terribly happy.

I think we all have something or someone we secretly love, but are too embarrassed to admit it. I'm not talking about a crush or something.. but things like actors, or bands, or singers.
Although I think there is nothing to be ashamed of, it sounds probably a bit strange that I went to a One Direction concert yesterday.
I wouldn't call me a Directioner or something, but I like their music and the way they simply are. And I have to admit that the concert was dope. I mean, really dope.

I imagined being surrounded by many twelve-year-old-girls.. but what I found there was a totally different thing: Everybody was as old or even older than me. I met many people there, and we even got friends! The people were really amazing there.

But.. Did you ever waited 10 hours in line for a big concert, standing?

Massive Thank You!

Over 1200 views and more than 100 followers in exactly a month! I know it's not much compared to others, but it's definitely much for me! Thanks so much for following me, reading my posts and leaving comments! I love reading them, and I reply to each one of them! And of course I always check out every single blog who leaves a comment!
I mean.. this all means really a lot to me. Thanks a lot! You're gorgeous, every single one of you!

So for this occasion I thought I'd share something a bit more personal with you...

Printed pencil skirt, simple tee, wedges

Today I tidyed up my closet and found a lot of 'old', or better 'forgotten' things. One of those pieces was this azthetik pencil skirt from H&M which I bought last year at the end of summer, so that I couldn't even wear it back then.
I totally love its print! And since today has actually been a sunny day (FINALLY!), I thought I'd dressed this skirt down with a simple, white tee and black wedges!

One shoe can change your life.

I'm so tired.. so exhausted! Today has been my first day of school after spring break, and I guess it hadn't been quite a good idea to stay up until 1:30 o'clock last night. Just that my problem is that I totally can't fall asleep the night before school starts after a holiday! Moreover it won't stop raining and I absolutely hate rain (mainly because my properly straightened hair gets curly again then)... Just thinking that I have to wake up at 5 o'clock tomorrow.. ugh.
This semester will be quite hard and long, we've got a lot of important exams and projects to finish, and I totally get butterflies in my stomach by just thinking about it.

It has been the first day of school - And I'm already stressed. Awesome Lory, awesome.

However, I'm really looking forward to summer - and summer holidays. During the last two or three weeks I've been shoe-shopping a lot, and here you can see my favorite Guess, Zara, Nike etc. sneakers/heels for this summer!

Tiger, Denim Vest, best Boyfriend on earth


Today was quite a warm day, I went to my boyfriend's house and we had dinner with his parents.. I wanted to be comfortable but chic, so I wore my favorite black pants from Zara, a tank-top, a denim vest and heels. 

Here you can see the whole ensemble: 

Summer is loading.

After spending hours and hours at the shopping mall ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON, I was glad I was still alive and safe. There were SO MANY people there, I barely could breathe!
As I'm not the tallest girl, everyone hit me with their bag and so on and I'm sure I've got some new bruises... But hey, what's better than standing half an hour at a queue at the H&M store, to try on a bunch of new bikinis.. sweating like hell? I barely can imagine something more satisfying.. Ha Ha. 

But however, after trying on seven different bikinis, I FINALLY found two I liked! The one on the left is not as orange as it seems on the picture, but more of a salmon color. The other one is "azzurro", how we would call it in Italian. ;-)

Which one do you like better? 

About lace, gold, and a rainy Sunday.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

It's literally raining since three days non-stop. Today we went to my uncle because of his birthday, and this what I wore. The pants are actually really stretch and comfortable and I'm in love with the golden zippers. 

Life is better in summer!

"Home is where your heart is."
And the sea is where my heart is.

I'm totally missing summer and my little Italian heart is craving for the beach and the sea and the Italian surrounding!
So this is why I searched this quite "old" pictures from last autumn in Italy, at my grandparents place.
So this was about half a year ago from now, and while it was already snowing in Switzerland there it was still quite warm.

First sunny Sunday, spent at the lake of Zurich

After feeling all sporty this morning (see this and this post from this morning), I spent the rest of my day at the Lake of Zurich with my boyfriend.
I really enjoyed it because it has been the first warm day in more than half a year, and there were loads and loads of people (like always) in Zurich, and it was quite difficult to find a place near the sea to sit down.
But finally we found a little bench, so that we could enjoy our "Cool Lime" drink from Starbucks

Springtime Happiness Part 2!

So if you've seen my last post about my cheerfulness this morning, you may imagine me as a quite sporty and healthy girl, who loves to run on a sunny Sunday morning.

So here's the truth:

Springtime Happiness! Feeling all happy & pink.

Bless the Lord! Today was the very first day of sun in about 7 months of deepest winter in Switzerland!  Since the beginning of last October it had been snowing and it had been freezing cold!
I was already getting all crazy and mad and my Italian body really craved for the sun.. and here it is! FINALLY!
I felt like I was waking up from hibernation this morning, I really couldn't believe that it was actually warm outside. So since I am on spring break, I felt really productive today.
First of all, I went jogging with my German shepherd called Tonack ("Tonac"), which you can see on the picture above.

I've been in a really happy and pink mood this morning, so this is what I wore:

NYFW 2013 meets Bollywood! One of my favorite collections this season.

Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig, Designers of Marchesa, present a totally new tendency of fashion on New York Fashion Week 2013: India's style!
Their collection is based on the colors dark red, white and dark blue. All of the outfits are decorated with golden elements, which is really Indish, but also really elegant and classy.
I fell in love with this spring collection, and those dresses which emphasize the women's curves without being too snugly.
The shapes of the dresses are really extraordinary, and it is finally a fashion line which you actually can wear.
Thumbs up for Marchesa on NYFW 2013.

Lory's fashion paradise. Welcome!

Say Ciao to the Blogger of Wasted Outfits.
Hey, I'm Lory, and I'm from Naples, Italia. I'm a Blogger, and this is my new Blog on Blogspot, I previously only was on Tumblr. I blog about fashion, lifestyle, and everything that catches my eye. You can find me on Twitter too! Go follow my new account @wastedoutfits now!  

Now, what does "Wasted Outfits" mean?
"I looked hot today, you missed out." In general, this is what Wasted Outfits mean: There is no worser thing in Fashion than wearing your best outfit on an unimportant day.
I persue the idea, that fashion can be found everywhere and in everything. If you don't believe me, well, let me show you with this blog.

Follow me, Read my daily Posts, Talk to me, Give me Feedback, Comment on Everything, Submit your Ideas. 
Get to know the South-Italian Blogger, who lost her heart on the runway.

Much Love,

Wasted Outfits