About a wedding in Milano!

This week I went to Milano to attend my cousin's wedding! He and his wife know each other for 11 years now, and they actually met in Great Britain in their teenage years.. So they decided to make a wedding inspired by the awesome country where their love started.
They married on Saturday the 6th July, it was far over 30 degrees, and everybody sweated as hell! Nevertheless it was an amazing and unforgettable day!

Very un-traditional for Italy, they didn't marry in a church, but outdoor..

It was quite something new for me and many others from my family, but I think it looks really beautiful and it's a great idea! The actual ceremonie was so amazing, so wonderful, me and many others even started crying!
This place you see on the picture above is actually a villa called Villa Bodo - Maison de Charme, it's an enormous, beautiful, green and peaceful place to marry and there even is a big swimming pool!

So how you can see this villa is in a style of an old, but really big farm house. This little duck here hid my two-years-old cousin called Tiago and I really had to laugh when I saw it! Although I don't really know how a two-years-old is able to put a bathing duck that high!

So when the ceremonie begun, one of my seven little cousins, the two-years-old mentioned above, Tiago, walked to the priest to bring the rings (I think). I love what the was wearing so much!
And of course he was followed by three bridesmaids who where wearing pink!
Tiago bringing the rings

my cousin and his wife marrying

Then of course a little bit of italian-tradition: The rice! Everybody gets such a little bag with rice and when the freshly married couple walks back everybody throws the rice at them to wish them luck and happiness! I love how they colored the rice pink this time.

the bride's dress

Then we went to the apero, which actually took nearly three hours (!), but there was so much to eat! Only a really really small part of what you could eat you can see here:

Oh Italian food is and stays the best! Anyways, since the apero was outside, it was so HOT that I had to went inside after one hour otherwise I would have died probably.

Here you see the view from inside (it wasn't much colder there) to the apero outside. 
On the right you can also see my other little cousin named Matilda.

A little view of the courtyard! 

And of course I also wanted to show you what I wore that day! I opted for an airy and rather loose and simpel dress, in the color of dark grey, with some glitter-studds on the top. You may already know my shoes from previous posts.. I had to wear them because of the wedge. I couldn't go for high-heels because of the grass and the gravel at this villa! 

Since it would have been to dark like this, I highlighted the look with my new favorite color: (Mint-)Green! My nail-polish, my bag, my bracelet and my feather-earrings were mint-green. I love putting some accents to a rather simple look!

Dress - Only
Shoes - Globus
Bag - H&M
Earrings - Manora
Bracelet - H&M
Nail Polish - Kiko

Another view taken from the courtyard, facing the room we (about 200 people) ate:

If you look closely you can spot me on the middle window, sitting there, with my mint-green bag!

Our table:

And last but not least the freshly-married couple with their amazing wedding cake! 

Looking back it was an amazing, funny, emotional and beautiful day, I loved re-seeing my family and dance, drink, sing, laugh and scream with them!

I hope you like the pictures! I just love weddings and I'm so looking forward to the next one!

Now I really have to go sleeping because I'm leaving for PARIS tomorrow! So excited! 

Looking forward to your comments/opinions!

Lots of love from the tired, and excited Lory xoxoxoxo


  1. Hey sweetie! Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm now following you too - Looking forward to see more posts from you! :)

    Hugs & Kisses


    1. hey honey! thank you so much for following me! It means a lot to me :)

      Loads of love, Lory xxx

  2. Very Nice :)


  3. WOW... what a beautiful wedding and such a beautiful story ... I loved it. Your dress looked so pretty and I am in love with the colour of your nail polish and bag.. so nice!!
    I lived in Milano for over 8 years and worked as an English Teacher there. I LOVED it.. but you are so right.. Milano is super hot in the summer... and every summer I melted like ice-cream... ha ha ha. But it is the most gorgeous place ever!
    Have a wonderful trip to Paris!!!
    Hugs & Kisses,

    1. Hey Shelley, thank you so much for this sweet comment! I wish I could live in Milano too for a few years! You're right - it's a really gorgeous place but you really melt there in summer haha!

      Thanks I will really enjoy Paris, I'm sure :P

      Lots of love, Lory xxx

  4. Such nice story and photos! Like in a movie! :) And you looked beautiful! ;)
    Kisses, dear, have a great time in Paris! :)


    1. Thank you so much sweetheart! Yes it definitely was like a movie! xoxo

  5. great outfits :)

  6. It must have been a very beautiful day!
    Love the pink rice detail :)
    And you looked very nice too!


    1. Thank you dear! In fact it was a very beautiful day! xxx

  7. Dearest Lory, first: you look absolutely beautiful and the dress including the accessoires is perfect for the wedding <3 Es war eine echt gute Idee von Dir, dass Du Wedges angezogen hast, denn es gibt nichts Schlimmeres als High Heels im Gras - außerdem passen sie perfekt zu Deinem wunderbaren Outfit!

    Und dann: vielen Dank für die supertollen Bilder! Ja, der kleine Ringebringer, der schaut wirklich unglaublich süß aus und die Braut ist wunderwunderschön. Überhaupt gefällt mir die ganze Location sehr. Und dass es heiß war, kann ich mir nach Deiner Beschreibung nur zu gut vorstellen ...

    Von meiner Seite wünsche ich dem Brautpaar alles Liebe und Gute und vor allem viel Glück!

    Thank you so much, dearest Lory, for sharing this great event with us <3

    Big hugs and kisses from Bavaria, Rena


    1. Hey Rena, like every time: Thanks for your absolutely sweet comment!
      Die Wedges waren wirklich eine gute Idee, man sah sehr viele mit High Heels die auf dem Kies und dem Gras nicht laufen konnten und es sah sehr... unelegant und entenhaft aus haha.

      Thank you so much for leaving a comment!

      Loads of love from Paris,
      Lory XOXO

  8. It looks like a beautiful event. Love the cake!


  9. Hi dear, you have a lovely blog and great post thou! did we follow each other already? if not, would you like to follow each other? if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back! xoxo

    My Bloglovin: http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/3831938/love-joice

    1. Thanks so much sweetheart!
      We follow each other already, keep in touch dear!

      Lots of love XOXO

  10. Opsss, we followed each other already :0) anyway beautiful wedding and great post! xoxo

  11. Thank's for sharing this lovely pics with us - and your look was great <3 ... I've been on an asian wedding in Hungary last weekend!!! You can check out my dress on my current post on my blog! What do you think it? Kisses from Vienna,



    1. Thank you so much dearest! an Asian wedding in Hungary sounds amazing and really special! I will definitely check your post out!

      Love, Lory xx

  12. Wow, the pictures are wonderful...
    so romantic
    I think I want to marry outdoor one day, too :D


  13. Grazie mille per il tuo commento :) ti seguo molto volentieri :)


  14. The wedding venue is so beautiful, throuing rice is a tradition in indian wedding also but the bride throws rice backward so that parents house. Is always filled with happyness....
    U look nice..
    Keep in touch,

    1. Yeah it was really beautiful! :) I like how you find the rice tradition in many cultures, but always used a little different!
      Thanks dear!
      Love xx


Thanks so much for leaving a comment, it means so much to me!
(I speak Italian, German, French and obviously English, and I do understand Spanish.)

With lots of Love, Lory xoxo