About a quick journey through Paris. Part III.


«Whoever does not visit Paris regularly will never really be elegant.»
-Honoré de Balzac

Bonjour my lovely readers! Today I will take you on a really quick trip through my Paris suitcase, the things I bought there and what I wore!

If you haven't yet seen my other two posts about the trip, click here for the first Post about Paris, or here for the second post!

Well, first of all I wanted to show you what I bought last year (!) in Paris. (Mainly from Abercrombie & Fitch, Zara, Levi's and the bag on the picture below is from Bershka).

A quick journey through Paris. Part ll.

«Though I often looked for one, I finally had to admit that there could be no cure for Paris.» 

- from: The Paris Wife

So finally I managed to prepare the second post about my quick trip to Paris!

In this first post here I already showed you my aunt's house on the Champs Elysées, the Opéra, lunch at Printemps, the Eiffel Tower by day, Notre-Dame and Pont des Arts.
Take a look at this post if you haven't yet!

So the first destination I'd like to show you today is:

A quick journey through Paris. Part I.

«Paris is always a good idea.» 
- Audrey Hepburn 

Okay. I'm literally, deeply, madly, crazy, hopeless in love with Paris.
If you've read the "Lory's Story' page"  on my blog (well, I don't think you did) you might know that my aunt lives there directly on the Champs Elysées, and I visit her once in a year. 

Paris is the biggest inspiration I've ever seen in my life. I love the buildings, the people, the mentality, the chicness, the fashion.. just everything. Except the food and the weather of course. The food is awful. 
When I first visited Paris a few years ago, the love to fashion as a real art grew inside of me. 
I don't really have the words to describe what this city does to me, but it's the reason I'm obsessed with fashion and books about fashion.
So if my parents ever complain about me spending a fortune for books about the story of fashion.. well.. blame my aunt with her apartment on the Champs Elysées.

Anyways, I went there several times now, but I'm amazed by this city every. single. time.

So I'd like to show you my few days in Paris with this (and other one or two posts which will come later).  The weather was actually amazing (30 degrees every day, it was unbelievable hot), which was a real surprise because it rained everytime I went to Paris except this time.

About a wedding in Milano!

This week I went to Milano to attend my cousin's wedding! He and his wife know each other for 11 years now, and they actually met in Great Britain in their teenage years.. So they decided to make a wedding inspired by the awesome country where their love started.
They married on Saturday the 6th July, it was far over 30 degrees, and everybody sweated as hell! Nevertheless it was an amazing and unforgettable day!

Very un-traditional for Italy, they didn't marry in a church, but outdoor..