Hey my beautiful readers! When you're reading this, it's probably the
5th of February 2014 and it's
MY 18th BIRTHDAY! I feel like I've been waiting for this moment for 17 years now!
Guys I'm finally free! Theoretically free.
Okay fine I'm not
really free.
But anyways, it's been eighteen years now.
Eighteen! Time goes by so fast!
Though I don't believe that anything will change, I'm really happy that I'm finally considered as an "adult".
Did something change for you at your 18th birthday? How did you party? Let me know in the comments, I'm really interested!
All I can say is that for me, it is a really overwhelming feeling. I'm going to enjoy this special day to the fullest, and so I will the next year! Hopefully.
I really want to put more time into blogging - lately it was so hard because I worked on my final "college project" for the last five months now. We basically created a movie about the
"Safety/Security at the Zurich Airport", and we wrote a 162-pages book about it. Believe me - in the last five months I felt like a robot.
"Sleep" has been a foreign word since then.
To celebrate my "comeback" I really wanted to show you some
pictures from my brand new Instagram-Account! Take a look :)