So it is Wednesday evening, I'm freakin' tired and I'm looking forward to having a day off tomorrow!
The weather here is miserable. I mean, it's a shame. It's almost June and everybody is walking around in boots and bomber jackets... it makes me sick. My veins need the sun.
Anyways, Danica just rised my mood, as she nominated me for a Liebster Award. Thanks so much Danica!
So since I'm feeling very social tonight, I thought I'd actually post about this. It's my second "award" I got, and although it is not a "real" one, it makes me happy to see that there are people who really notice and read me and my blog. It's an amazing feeling to be honest because I've only had this blog for a few weeks, and that's why I want to make 11 other people smile by nominating them in this post :)
(I wish I could nominate you all!)
But first, I have to answer 11 questions asked by Danica. So here we go!